
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rubrics for Classroom Procedures~

I had to get this thought out and on "paper" while it was still in my brain...

How neat would it be to expose kindergarteners and first graders to rubric grading by using rubrics to 'grade' their understanding of classroom procedures?

In fact, this could be used up through grades 5 and 6.  Create a rubric with the highest standards of a certain classroom procedure, and then downgrade for the various spots on a rubric for behaviors necessary for a procedure that were left out.

Let's see if I can come up with an idea that I could use in my own class:

I am thinking that this would expose younger students to the world of rubrics at an earlier age.  This could be made into a picture rubric for Kindergarten and First grade so that they could see the behavior they need to be exhibiting when they come into class.  A poster of this procedure with the pictures and rubrics would be beneficial as well.

Let me know what y'all think!

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